God's Masterpiece

We are each unique and beautiful; but together we are a masterpiece!

We are each unique and beautiful; but together we are a masterpiece!

Thank you to our beloved Debbie for creating this beautiful display in our Family Center. A couple weeks ago, Debbie asked everyone to create a hand print for a special project, and here it is.

Adams Voice In Concert July 14, 2019


Join us this Sunday morning at 10am to hear Adams Voice. Adams Voice is a gospel duo and family.

"Ministering now as a team since 1997, Adams Voice knows that leading people to a personal encounter with a loving Savior is the soul purpose of their call. The focus of their ministry is to attest to the power of God through worship, inviting Him in to change lives. Woven into their repertoire of the familiar are original songs resonating with scripture, written from personal testimony inspired by real-life circumstances. Their music spans a wide range of styles, as they endeavor to reach all age groups.

Adams Voice consists of husband and wife team David & Charlene Adams. David leads the group as vocalist and public relations manager. Charlene is vocalist and songwriter. David and Charlene have four children, (Emma, Johnny, Anna, and Luke, who share a song as well as play their violins in every concert."

The concert is free, and a love offering will be taken.

More information about Adams Voice can be found at https://www.adamsvoice.net/

See you on Sunday!

Faith Promise Sunday

This Sunday we will have a missionary speaker in our morning service. Carol is from our Nazarene seminary in Costa Rica and is fluent in French, Spanish, and (hopefully) English. I really think you will be challenged by her ministry.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Finding the Goal

Too often we meet people who seem to have no direction in their life. Is the journey of life only aimless wandering, or can we find a goal worth our efforts? From his own experience, Paul wrote that each of us can have a sense of direction. And we will share Paul’s practical advice this Sunday. You don’t want to miss this truth.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Information Update

Have you moved recently? Do you have a new cell phone number or email address? Do you want to view an online congregation directory and contact information? Do you want to check your tithe and giving history? You can do it, and it’s easy!

To do so, please visit https://www.churchtrac.com/member_access.php?ui=EB253807. This link is always available under the “Member Access” link in our web page menu list.

You will need to sign in before you can view or update your information. Please be aware that there are three scenarios here:

  1. You have already registered and know your passcode

    If you have registered already, enter your email address and your passcode.

  2. You are registered but do not know your passcode

    If you do not know your passcode, there is an option to request it. It will be sent to the email address we have on file.

  3. You are registered but under a different email, or your information is not in our system

    If your email address is not found in the system, you will be asked to fill out a form with your information. Your information will be sent to us, and we will either match it with the correct entry in our database or add your name to the database. You will receive a passcode immediately, but it will not allow access until we have processed your request. Please allow 48 hours to process.

This is a fantastic tool that allows us to stay in touch with you. We encourage you to take a few minutes to update your information.

God bless!

Loss and Gain

Much of life is about weighing options before making a decision. We look at positives and disadvantages all the time. Paul addressed the gains and losses he experienced when he became a Christian. Let’s learn from Paul again this Sunday and then make our own decision about following Christ.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

VBS Sunday

We have been enjoying VBS this week! So much energy and excitement! So much aerobic exercise during the singing! VBS concludes on Sunday morning and I hope you can join us. I’ll be sharing the Bible lesson for the VBS on that day. See you then!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Perfect Living

Paul had such an impressive record as a fervent, religious Jew. He lived his life perfectly according to the Jewish religious laws. But how did all of that measure up when he met Jesus? Come Sunday and find out.

– Pastor Marlin Betts