The upper room Passover event included Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. What does that mean for us today? - Pastor
The Call to Discipleship
The first Sunday of Lent reminds us that Jesus was heading towards Jerusalem and the cross. His disciples needed to know what discipleship meant. - Pastor
God’s Faithful Widow
Can God still use a poor widow in her eighties? Come hear the sermon this Sunday. - Pastor
This Child is Destined
After talking about salvation, Simeon made three prophecies about Jesus that contained some negative content. - Pastor
Final Reason to Live
Simeon held baby Jesus in his arms and declared that now he could die in peace. Why? Because he had seen the One who would bring salvation to the world! - Pastor
Clean or Unclean?
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus obeyed the Jewish laws. What does that say about Christian obedience today? - Pastor
Called a Nazarene
Matthew thought it important to write down that Jesus was identified as a Nazarene. Does that title still have significance for us today? - Pastor
Weeping for her Children
Matthew in his gospel quoted a passage in Jeremiah about Rachel weeping for her children. What does this have to do with the murder of little boys in Bethlehem? - Pastor
Fleeing to Egypt
After the wise men left, Joseph was told by an angel to "flee to Egypt." Why does God sometimes ask us to do hard things? - Pastor