This Sunday we will remember some family members who have died in the past year. We will also be taking in some new members who are joining our church. I’m looking forward to a great Sunday!
– Pastor Marlin Betts
This Sunday we will remember some family members who have died in the past year. We will also be taking in some new members who are joining our church. I’m looking forward to a great Sunday!
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Perhaps the saddest aspect of Christianity is that over time religious traditions can actually be allowed to take the place of Jesus. That is the warning from Paul that we will look at this Sunday. See you then!
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be June 3-6 this year. You can pre-register your child or children at the following page:
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so there will be a few things said about mothers, I’m sure. But the sermon focus will be on Paul’s teaching as he wrote to the Philippian Christians. Have you heard of the three R’s of education? Hope to see you this Sunday!
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Easter Sunday was such a blessing! But the good news is that the resurrection of Christ was not the end of the story. No, His resurrection was followed by His ascension. What is so important about the ascension? Come Sunday and find out.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
“He Is Risen!” is the statement of greeting that Christians have used for many years on Easter Sunday. This Sunday we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ with a 7:30 Sonrise Service, 8:00 Breakfast, 9:00 Sunday School Classes, and 10:00 Morning Worship. I am looking forward to celebrating this day with all of you! “He Is Risen Indeed!”
– Pastor
We call this Sunday “Palm Sunday” because of the palm branches the crowd waved as Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. While they celebrated Jesus on Sunday, they crucified Him on Friday morning and He was in a tomb before sundown Friday evening. How quickly things can change in just a matter of days. How strong is our commitment to Jesus Christ?
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Finally, Spring is in the air! For many people Spring is their favorite season. It’s time to get outside, breathe fresh air, see the new growth and promise of flowers, and just enjoy the aroma of resurrection! I even like the smell of fresh cut grass. So what is your favorite smell? I’m looking forward to our worship this Sunday!
– Pastor
I read recently the three things parents should be concerned about in their child: what she believes, how she behaves, and what she becomes. Think about those three things for a moment and you will realize that is exactly what God is concerned about in you. I hope to see you on Sunday!
– Pastor Marlin Betts