Taco Bar Church Camp Fundraiser
11:30 AM11:30

Taco Bar Church Camp Fundraiser

Help support our kids for church camp!

At our church, we know the importance of sending kids to church camp. This experience can help someone come to Chirst or enrich their spiritual life in a powerful way. Each year we have a fundraiser to provide an opportunity for everyone to donate to our camp fund. We use these funds to try to cover half of the fee required to attend camp. This year we are having a TACO BAR on March 30. Mark your calendar and pray about what you might be able to contribute.

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Egg Hunt
1:00 PM13:00

Egg Hunt

1,000 Eggs to find in this FREE community event!

Children in grades Pre-School through 5th grade are invited to participate in our free Community Easter Egg Hunt. We’ll have a snack, a craft, a Bible Story, and prizes in addition to the hunt with 1,000 candy-filled eggs!

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Open House Celebration of Life for Dan and Joyce Swartz
1:00 PM13:00

Open House Celebration of Life for Dan and Joyce Swartz

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday, September 28, there will be a Celebration of Life for Dan and Joyce Swartz in our fellowship room from 1-4pm. Food and Fellowship will begin at 1pm. Special remarks from those attending will begin around 2pm. 

Our church will be providing finger foods/snack foods for the family. This is a large family, and we want to love on them well! If you can help with food, please contact Cindy Stearns (812-691-1924).

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See You at the Pole
7:30 AM07:30

See You at the Pole

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

See You at the Pole™ is a time of prayer on the fourth Wednesday of September when students meet at their school flagpole, before school, to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. It is student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led.

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Christmas in the Park Parade Ideas Meeting
11:30 AM11:30

Christmas in the Park Parade Ideas Meeting

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our church will be making a float for the local Christmas parade this year. The Heffners are heading up the project and would love some support and ideas. If you would like to help with this undertaking, meet in the church library next Sunday immediately after service. The committee will let the church know about supplies that could be donated to help construct their ideas!

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Happy Hearts Fellowship
12:00 PM12:00

Happy Hearts Fellowship

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join our Happy Hearts Fellowship this Thursday, at noon. Our theme, “Throwback Thursday,” will feature foods from your childhood! Bring a dish you enjoyed as a kid. Come and compete in our church “family feud” game after lunch! Good food and fun makes a heart happy!

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A Mission Trip to Africa by the Schafers
5:00 PM17:00

A Mission Trip to Africa by the Schafers

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sunday, September 8, at 5:00pm, here in our Family Center, Steve and Rhonda Schafer will be bringing a presentation in pictures and stories to their recent trip to three countries in Africa – South Africa, Mozambique and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). There will be snacks to munch on while we enjoy the Schafer’s special time of sharing what Nazarene Missions looks like in these three African nations. Also, we will see and hear how our World Evangelism giving is at work! Join us in the Family center next Sunday at 5:00pm.

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Happy Hearts Fellowship
12:00 PM12:00

Happy Hearts Fellowship

  • Brazil Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are restructuring the “Over-50” Luncheon to include adults of all ages and add new themes and fun as well. Our first “Happy Hearts Fellowship” will be Thursday, August 15 at noon in the family center. Our “cool summer” theme will feature cool, summer foods! Sandwiches will be provided, so you need only provide a cold salad or side dish or a pie to top with a scoop of ice cream. PS: Wear a silly summer hat if you have one. Come join the fun!! If you have any questions, call Cindy Stearns (812-691-1924).

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Faith Promise Sunday
9:00 AM09:00

Faith Promise Sunday

We will be gathering in our Faith Promise pledges for Nazarene World Missions at the close of the service. This giving is a vital part of the missions focus of our church. Pledges are made for the duration of one year and are given above your tithe. Please be prayerful about your part. Nazarene missionaries around the word are supported by what you give. Children, teens, and adults of all ages are encouraged to participate. You do not have to be a member of the church to share in Faith Promise, and your pledge is strictly between you and the Lord.

Mark Eugenio was unable to fly to the US this week due to health issues. He contracted a virus and cannot travel at this time. He will not be able to attend District Assembly either.

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