"2024 Christmas Program"
"The Sweetest Things" is a Christmas program based on episodes of a baking show. The host and her young helpers partner up with an unlikely Christmas celebrity to reveal the sweetness in the story of Jesus’ birth.
Show host: Staci Schafer
Young helpers: Bethany Schafer, Harrison Bechtel
Scrooge: Brad Butts
Ghost: Ron Hofmann
Narrator: David Bryant
Director: Debbie Betts
Program Music:
Children’s Candy Cane Song: Oh What A Glorious Night
"I know that Love has come, sing it out! Jesus Christ is born!"
Harrison Bechtel, Aubrey & Carter Fagg, MyKenzie Fournier, Emma Heffner, Bethany Schafer, Gibson & Symphony Lathrop
Soloist- Lori Smith: Welcome to Our World
"Rob our sin and make us holy, perfect Son of God. Welcome to our world!"
Mary and baby Jesus: Stacey & Paxton Singh
Duet- Ellissa Hartsook, Cello; Mary Sue Jackson, piano
Stick Drama: Let There Be Light
Wendy Crafton, Martin Franz, Lucas, Noah & Shannon Heffner, Christeena Parksey, Audrey, Caroline & Kevin Schafer, Gryphon & Lisa Walls
All songs used by permission. CCLI #305230