With the start of a new year, many people make changes and resolutions. But where does God fit in with our plans? - Pastor
2024 Christmas Program is Sunday!
Our annual Christmas program is this Sunday. Come celebrate with your church family as we worship Jesus! - Pastor
Joy - Changed in the Waiting
JOY is the theme for this third Sunday of Advent. Where can we find joy when everything is not perfect, and life seems so hectic? Focus on spending time with Jesus. - Pastor
Love - Changed in the Waiting
The theme for the second Sunday of Advent is LOVE. God's love is what the arrival of Jesus is all about.
- Pastor
Hope - Changed in the Waiting
Advent is our time of preparation and anticipation for Christmas. The emphasis for the first Sunday of Advent is HOPE. - Pastor
Celebrating the Victory
What do you do when the ministry God laid on your heart is a success? You celebrate the victory. - Pastor
Resisting All Compromise
The Bible states that Satan can attack like a "roaring lion," or pretend to be an "angel of light." Either way, he must be resisted and defeated. - Pastor
Righting an Injustice
Nehemiah's rebuilding project was halted because of an economic crisis. When the rich take advantage of the poor, the whole community suffers. - Pastor
Overcoming the Enemy
When God's people begin to do God's work, the enemy shows up to cause problems. But God has answers for the attacks of the enemy. - Pastor