How does a leader get a whole city to work together on an important rebuilding project? Nehemiah wrote down his strategy. - Pastor
Motivating the Workers
After ninety years of inaction, Nehemiah had to challenge the people to get busy doing God's work. What is God motivating you to do? - Pastor
Examining the Need
God laid a ministry burden on Nehemiah's heart. He traveled to Jerusalem and experienced the need firsthand. What is God calling you to do? - Pastor
Preparing to Serve
Nehemiah felt a burden from God to do something about Jerusalem, but it was 900 miles away. He had to make some preparations before he could begin to serve God in ministry. - Pastor
Praying About the Need
After recognizing a need, Nehemiah began praying about it daily. His prayer is a pattern for our prayer burdens. - Pastor
Recognizing a Need
Nehemiah was going through his routine, when God made him aware of a serious problem. Meeting this need would change his life. - Pastor
What is Your Life?
God gives each of us just one short life. We must make the most of our opportunities because eternity is next. - Pastor
God's Flight School
Sooner or later, a crisis will come that brings change. How do we handle it? We need God's help.
- Pastor
Christianity: Believable and Moral
Attacks against Christianity are not new. Paul was in the thick of this battle and declared: I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
- Pastor Betts