God wants to have a relationship with every person. God uses Christians as the main way to connect Him to other people. How are you making God known to the unsaved today? - Pastor
Victory Over Sin
Winning the battle over sin is so important for Christians. God wants us to defeat every sin in our lives.
The Reason for Sharing
This Sunday we pledge our financial support for Nazarene missions. And I wanted to remind us of our cause—why we support the sharing of the gospel around the world. - Pastor
Kings for an Hour
What would it be like to act like a king for a short period of time? Would you abuse that power or use it for good? -Pastor
Sharing the Gospel
It is interesting that Paul ended his armor of God section by asking for prayer support from his readers. What was his personal prayer request? We will find out on Sunday. - Pastor
An Essential Weapon
After listing the six pieces of God's armor, Paul challenged his readers to pray always. Prayer is certainly an essential spiritual weapon we should be using every day. -- Pastor
Spiritually Prepared to Stand (part 2)
God has supplied His soldiers with six pieces of armor so that we can stand against the devil's attacks. We will look at the last three pieces this Sunday.
- Pastor
Spiritually Prepared to Stand
Putting on all of God's armor is essential in order for Christians to stand against the wiles of the enemy. We will look at the first three pieces this Sunday. - Pastor
Stand Against the Enemy
Spiritual warfare is real! Who is the enemy and how will they be defeated? Do you intend to get involved in this war?
- Pastor