Even the best people sometimes sin. David did. You did. We all have. Psalm 51 is David's prayer of repentance. So we don't have to stay in sin. Jesus came to break the chains and set us free!
- Pastor Betts
Even the best people sometimes sin. David did. You did. We all have. Psalm 51 is David's prayer of repentance. So we don't have to stay in sin. Jesus came to break the chains and set us free!
- Pastor Betts
How do you get into cold water for a swim. Some stick in a toe and then slowly insert their foot, etc. Others just jump in and get wet all at once. When it comes to being a Christian, it is probably best to just dive in.
- Pastor Betts
It will be good to worship with you again. I plan to share a little this Sunday on how the sabbatical break impacted my life. Jesus is Lord! - Pastor
This past week, we had an out-of-this-world adventure with Stellar VBS, where our VBS kids learned about shining Jesus’ light to the world! Join us this Sunday for our final VBS lesson. We’ll sing the songs from this week, meet Astronaut Ray, see what great fun was had by everyone, and show how even YOU can shine Jesus’s light!
You will have to join us in-person to experience this! This Sunday’s service WILL NOT be live streamed and WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE afterwards on YouTube because we do not have licensing rights for online streaming of the VBS materials.
Jesus instituted communion with these words, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.” What does this new covenant mean for Christians? Let's explore that question on Sunday morning. - Pastor Betts
Jesus shared about two men praying in the temple. One prayed to be heard by men. The other prayed for God to have mercy. Which prayer was answered? - Pastor Betts
This Sunday we look at a lesser known parable of Jesus about a slave. His job was to do whatever his owner commanded. What does this parable teach us about our relationship to God? - Pastor Betts
Realtors say selling homes is all about location. Jesus taught that building homes is all about foundation. Of course He was talking about building our lives on the Rock, instead of the sand which gives way in the storm. - Pastor Betts
In this parable Jesus contrasted a man who had it all with a man who had nothing. Yet in eternity their roles were reversed. It's not how much we have, but how we use it that counts! - Pastor Betts