Jesus gave an interesting story about a crafty steward who invested in his future by taking profits from his employer. Jesus ended the story by teaching that there is something more important than self-interest to invest our money in. Let's be smart stewards. - Pastor Betts
The Third Day
Jesus died on Good Friday. His body laid in the tomb on Saturday. He rose from the grave on Sunday. Christians are people of the third day. Christ has conquered sin and death! He is risen! Let's celebrate! - Pastor Betts
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 8, 1-3 PM
Brazil Church of the Nazarene
1002 E National Ave, Brazil, Indiana
(between East Side Elementary School and St. Vincent Clay Hospital)
For Children Preschool through 5th grade only
Kids will participate in Worship, Snack, Bible Story, Craft, Egg Hunt, and Prize Drawings
Park in the parking lot and register children in the entry room surrounded by glass windows along Davis St.
Don't forget your Easter egg basket!
Who Is This?
Jesus was heading for Jerusalem when an impromptu celebration and procession took place. They hoped that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But some asked the question, "Who is this?" I wonder, do we understand who Jesus is today? - Pastor Betts
Every Day I Will Bless You
On the fifth Sunday of Lent our scripture is a psalm of praise. We know God does so much for us every day. But do we praise God every day? Even when its a bad day? - Pastor Betts
A Division Among Them
Our Lenten devotion for today concerns the man born blind whom Jesus healed. You would think the miracle would have been followed by a celebration. But, because the healing took place on the Sabbath, the miracle ended in controversy. How sad! - Pastor Betts
No Dealings with Samaritans
Our Lenten Scripture this Sunday is about Jesus having a conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. Are we willing to cross cultural boundaries in order to have a conversation with someone about God? - Pastor
Abraham Believed God
Abraham had a relationship with God. Perhaps for some Christians Lent is about fasting in order to check off a ritual duty to God. But I see Lent as a opportunity to show God how much I love and appreciate what He did for us on Easter. Lent is not a ritual. It is part of our relationship with God. - Pastor Betts
"Parable Of The Lost Sons"
Losing a sheep or a coin is one thing. But when a son disappears, that's a higher level of heartache. God is waiting for all of His children to come home! Remember when you came home to God? - Pastor Betts