A few minutes ago I had to call the church phone in order to find it. It was lost until the ring revealed where it was and I found it. Lost items are constantly needing to be found. Misplaced your keys, anyone? The good news is that lost people matter to God and He is searching for them. Remember when God found you? - Pastor Betts
Parables on Counting the Cost
What does hating family, building a tower, going to war, and salt, all have in common? Jesus combined these things in a teaching moment about counting the cost of discipleship. Together they make up a very challenging sermon. - Pastor Betts
Parable of the Rich Fool
Selfishness is part of society. It is easy to see it in others, but it is hard to admit to being selfish ourselves. Jesus called out the unfairness of a selfish man in this parable. He used the word "fool" to describe his life choices. - Pastor Betts
Parables of Persistent Praying
Some Christians have great prayer habits. Others struggle to pray consistently. Jesus taught a couple of parables about prayer. I look forward to sharing them with you on Sunday. - Pastor Betts
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Hundreds of ministry centers, including hospitals, clinics, and funeral homes, use the name "Samaritan." The name represents the idea that "we care about you and want to help you with your need." Jesus started the whole Samaritan idea with a parable. We will look at His parable on Sunday.
- Pastor Betts
Parable of the Growing Grain
A person can plant a seed, but they cannot make it grow. There is a power in the seed that begins life. So it is with the gospel of Jesus. There is power in the gospel to bring spiritual life!
- Pastor Betts
People with Messes
Christmas is on Sunday this year. Those who can will gather for worship at 10 a.m. and celebrate God's love in giving Jesus to us! Jesus came into our messy world and dealt with people who had messy lives. He cares about your messes as well. Think about that this Christmas.
- Pastor Betts
A Star is Born
On the fourth Sunday of Advent our church will be presenting the Christ story in our annual Christmas program. Each year the program is different, but the message remains the same. Jesus came to bring salvation to us! - Pastor
People With Patience
The Advent emphasis this week is on Joy. Joy is more than an emotion. It involves a right frame of mind when dealing with life. And that takes lots of patience. See you Sunday! - Pastor