The Advent emphasis this Sunday is on peace. Peace is difficult to locate in a world of self-centeredness. Peace in a church is often disrupted by differing opinions. The only true Source of peace is Jesus Christ. - Pastor
People of the Dawn
The emphasis on the first Sunday of Advent is HOPE. Christians hope for a new day. But there are things to accomplish before sunrise. That is why Christians are people of the dawn. We work while we hope for the return of Christ. - Pastor Betts
Giving Thanks to the Father
Thanksgiving was started with the purpose of thanking God for a good harvest which would help the pilgrims survive through the winter months. Today Christians are still thankful for provisions. But many of our blessings are also spiritual.
- Pastor
Parable of the Talents
"You are so talented." People say that to others. But the truth is that every person has been gifted by God with abilities of one type or another. Some can style hair. Others can repair engines. But do you use your talents for God? - Pastor Betts
Parable of Ten Virgins
Christians have heard for 2,000 years that Christ is coming soon. The mixture of "years" with "soon" has caused most of us to forget it could happen at any time. Are you prepared if the end would happen today?
- Pastor Betts
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Sometimes an invitation to a special event comes with an RSVP request. God has given us an invitation to salvation that ends with a RSVP. We have to respond in order for the relationship with God to become a reality. Have you responded to God’s invitation? – Pastor Betts
Treat & Greet Drive-thru Family Event
Brazil Church of the Nazarene (1002 E National Ave, next to East Side Elementary) will be having a special event for children on Saturday, October 29 from 6:30-7:30pm
Come by and drive through our Treat and Greet
Bring your children in your vehicle (costumes are optional). Follow the signs and drive between our 2 buildings, roll down your windows and receive treats from loving adults and kids. We want to share God’s love and “goodies” in a safe environment.
We hope to see you there!
Parable of the Vinedressers
This parable is about our responsibility to submit to God’s will. Those who refuse will suffer God’s punishment. Those who submit are doing their part to help in God’s vineyard. I want to stay submitted to God’s authority.
– Pastor
Parable of the Two Sons
The ultimate decision of life is whether we say “yes” or “no” to God’s will. But a verbal “yes” can become a practical “no” when we don’t submit to God’s plan for our life. I want to be a committed “yes.” How about you? – Pastor