Parables sometimes come with a twist. They can turn out differently than we think they should. This parable brings truth to the forefront that we didn’t see coming. See you on Sunday! – Pastor
Parable of Forgiveness and Unforgiveness
When does forgiveness stop? Can a Christian stop forgiving other people? Peter asked Jesus a similar question. I think Peter was startled by Jesus’ reply that forgiveness is unlimited. – Pastor
Parable of the Dragnet
Some of you may remember the children’s game of “Red Rover.” The goal was to catch members of the other team and make your team larger than theirs. I believe God wants His people to help Him catch sinners and add them to His kingdom. Let’s all join God’s dragnet! – Pastor Betts
Parables of the Treasure and Pearl
Did you ever find something that was valuable? If so, you probably gave it back to the owner. Jesus taught about the discovery of a hidden treasure and a pearl of great price. How does that apply to us today? – Pastor
Parables of Mustard Seed and Leaven
No doubt you have heard the phrase, “there are two sides to every story.” I have found that it is easier to emphasize the side of the story I agree with. So what is Jesus teaching in these two parables? What is the other side of the story? – Pastor
Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Sometimes I struggle with the idea that God has allowed Satan to plant tares in His wheat field. Wouldn’t life be better if there were only good people? Should I help God out by pulling up the tares? Who is qualified to judge? – Pastor
Parable of the Soils
Jesus used familiar stories to illustrate spiritual truths. He talked about a farmer throwing out seeds on different types of ground. What was the meaning of this parable? Come Sunday and learn from Jesus. – Pastor
We All Have Cretes
Paul left Titus on the island of Crete while Paul moved on to another ministry. Paul knew Crete was a difficult assignment. But he also knew that ministry there was important. What is your difficult, Crete-type ministry?
– Pastor
"I Know Not... But I Know"
The words Paul wrote to Timothy became a well-loved hymn years later. There are many things Christians don’t know or can’t adequately explain, but if we know Jesus, then we have faith to accept God’s will. – Pastor