What comes after the death and resurrection of Christ? As you read the book of Acts, you will find that the Early Church discovered the power of prayer. Someone wrote, “When you pray regularly, irregular things happen on a regular basis.” God answers when the church prays. – Pastor
The First Day
The death and resurrection of Christ is the highlight of Christian faith. The first Easter was the first day of Christianity. The resurrection of Christ changed everything and made eternal life a reality. “He is risen! He is risen indeed!” – Pastor
The King on a Colt
On Palm Sunday we remember the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem which was recorded in all four Gospels. The cry “Hosanna!” was the people’s call for salvation/liberation from Roman oppression. What do we need God to save us from today? – Pastor
Specks and Planks
“Judge not,” Jesus said. Why? Because when you criticize a small problem in someone else’s life, you are probably ignoring some huge issue in your own life. First fix your own problem and then the other person’s issue will seem less important. Good advice from our Teacher. Wouldn’t you agree? – Pastor
Let's Be Perfect
There are many challenging statements in the Sermon on the Mount. But perhaps the one we think is the most difficult is Jesus commanding His followers to “be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Is Jesus giving us an impossible task? Let’s explore this verse in our Lenten sermon this Sunday. – Pastor
The Topic We Often Skip
Our daily Lenten journey through the Sermon on the Mount brings us to topics we prefer not to deal with. But Jesus taught about real issues like anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, and enemies. Being a disciple of Christ means we have to learn and change in these areas. Jesus doesn’t let us skip over topics essential to our spiritual growth. – Pastor
The Peacemakers
As we continue our Lenten journey through the Sermon on the Mount, we will pause this Sunday on Jesus’ challenge to be peacemakers. With nations at war, and broken relationships all around us, what are Christians to do? Jesus didn’t solve national problems, but He did impact some individual lives with the gift of peace. What can you and I do? – Pastor
Blessings of Discipleship
Our Lenten study this year is primarily from the Sermon on the Mount. This week we look at the Beatitudes. Jesus made a list of the qualifications of discipleship and the gifts He would give to those who followed Him. I love the gifts. But do I meet the qualifications? How about you? – Pastor
Opposition to Gospel Truth
Since the time of Christ there has been constant opposition to the Gospel. Paul wrote about it in the first century, and it is still happening today. The best antidote to opposition is authentic Christians. The more we live like Christ, the more people will be able to see the truth. – Pastor