Paul wrote out a list of sins in seven of his letters. None of the lists are exactly the same. But each list depicts a society that is decadent and destructive to morality. These lists remind us of the patience and grace of God for delaying His judgement. They call us to prayer. – Pastor
Helping Problem People
Paul wrote to Timothy about some problem people in the church Timothy was pastoring. Some were simply ignorant of the truth while others were purposefully teaching false doctrine. Both groups needed to be helped. How would you help these people? – Pastor
Flee, but Pursue
Scripture repeatedly provides instructions on things to avoid, and things to strive for. It is more than a list of dos and don’ts. This advice is always for our spiritual benefit and growth. We don’t have to repeat the missteps of others. That’s good news! – Pastor
A Vessel for Honor
The church is full of all kinds of people, some more useful to God than others. Those most useful to God have been cleansed by God. Are you clean enough to be used by God? – Pastor
The Firm Foundation
The hymn, How Firm a Foundation, is a great reminder for Christians. False teachings permeate our world and sneak into some churches. But God’s Word is our foundation for truth and right living. Let’s stick with God’s truth! – Pastor
Rightly Dividing the Word
Misinformation seems to be the norm these days. Sadly it has crept into the church realm over the years causing people to question the truths of the Bible. This should not be so. We have an obligation to teach the truths found in God’s Word. – Pastor
For This Cause
The New Year is a time to pause and reflect on the meaning of life. Why am I here? What am I doing? Where am I going in life? Jesus knew His purpose. Let’s get started in 2022 by focusing on our purpose for existence. – Pastor
The First Christmas Hymn
A few days after being visited by an angel, Mary composed the first song for the Christmas season. It was not about silent nights or angels singing. Her poem was about the impact of Christ’s arrival. Jesus would change everything! Let’s celebrate Jesus this Sunday! – Pastor
The First Christmas Hymn
A few days after being visited by an angel, Mary composed the first song for the Christmas season. It was not about silent nights or angels singing. Her poem was about the impact of Christ’s arrival. Jesus would change everything! Let’s celebrate Jesus this Sunday! – Pastor