Called to Sanctification


Ideally, salvation from sin is followed by a lifetime of spiritual growth. By while we strive to listen and follow God’s voice, there is sometimes an inner voice inside of us that says, “You don’t always have to obey God. Just do what you want to do.” God’s remedy for that inner resistance is sanctification. Sanctification is part of God’s upward call.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Called to Grow


Once a person accepts God’s invitation to salvation, is that all? No. It is only the beginning of spiritual life. Like in physical life, Christians have a lot of spiritual growing to do. God is constantly encouraging us to be and do better. Spiritual growth keeps us active and alive. Let’s grow in Christ!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Called to Salvation


The Call of the Wild is a novel made into many movies about a dog who eventually leaves the world of men to become wild and free. It reminds me of God’s call to mankind to leave sin behind and become what God created us to be—free in Christ. Have you responded to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus?

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Liberty and Freedom


This Sunday is a dual opportunity to celebrate Independence for our nation’s citizens, and Freedom in Christ for all Christians. Liberty is a beautiful thing and it is constantly under attack because people in bondage don’t like it when others are free. Let’s stand up for God and America!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Things Missing in Heaven


Christians often think about what Heaven contains—God, other Christians, “mansions,” and “streets of gold.” But I find it interesting that John began his description of Heaven by mentioning things that will not be there. Have you thought about things you don’t want in Heaven?

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Pentecost Sunday


This is Pentecost Sunday, fifty days after Passover, when Jesus died. Pentecost is known for the arrival of the Holy Spirit to live inside the followers of Jesus. Peter preached that day, and I plan to emphasize the conclusion of his sermon. Hope to see you in church this Sunday!

– Pastor Marlin Betts