Rethinking Resurrection Responsibility


Jesus died on Friday just before sundown. Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath, so no one was working. The companions of Jesus huddled in stunned silence and disbelief. Jesus was dead. Hope was gone. Light was dim. Truth was silenced. But then came Sunday morning, and with the sunrise came hope, light, and truth. “He is risen!” And everything changed forever.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Rethinking Our Cross


The cross is a beautiful decoration to wear, or to put on the walls of our homes. It is a symbol of our salvation, of darkness changing to light, of our new life, and a fresh start. We love the cross! But what did the cross mean in Jesus’ day? And what did Jesus teach His disciples about the cross?

– Pastor Marlin Betts  

Rethinking Christian Wants


It seems like Jesus was always ministering to people who had needs and wants. In this Sunday’s Lenten passage the Pharisees wanted something from Jesus, but He didn’t give them what they wanted. So what happens when our wants don’t correspond with God’s will? Let’s learn to rethink our Christian wants.

– Pastor Marlin Betts