Everyone likes to point fingers at others for their current problems. But when it comes to moral choices, we can only blame our own selves when we choose to sin. I will be sharing that truth this Sunday.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Everyone likes to point fingers at others for their current problems. But when it comes to moral choices, we can only blame our own selves when we choose to sin. I will be sharing that truth this Sunday.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Our country is so divided today. We look in vain for a unifying cause or person to bring us together. Whatever happened to “In God we trust”? The only thing that can unite us is Someone greater than us, a Cause higher than us—Jesus Christ. Is anyone sharing about Jesus? – Pastor Marlin Betts
One of the blessings of the incarnation was that Jesus had personal friendships with people. Even today, the idea that God wants to be our Friend is sometimes hard for me to fathom, but it is true. Is Jesus your Friend?
– Pastor
Notice the faces of people in our country and what do you see? Fear. Anger. Hatred. Frustration. When are we going to see people smile again? On His way to the cross, Jesus taught His disciples about joy. I think it is time for Christians to experience and share His joy.
– Pastor
A historic peace agreement was signed this week at the Whitehouse. Meanwhile conflict seems to be the continuing theme of modern life. How can people experience peace in a world of chaos? It is time we understand the peace that Jesus gives.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
I learned a new phrase this week: “media stress.” Parents are stressed about on-line schooling, video games, and too much screen time for their children. Plus there is the constant bombardment of negative news. How are Christians going to react? Is there other alternatives than fight or flight? Jesus showed us another way.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Every day people rely on information supplied by “the experts” – weather forecasts, health and safety warnings, economic trends, even political differences. I am wondering: where do people get their spiritual truth? Should that not be the most important information we seek?
- Pastor Marlin Betts
I have repeatedly been intrigued by the prayer of Jesus the night before He died (John 17). His main concern seemed to be that His mission would be continued after He was gone. Are we doing our part to continue the mission of Christ? God has certainly equipped us for this work.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
It has been estimated that 70 million Christians have been martyred since the death of Jesus Christ. So what keeps the church going? The truth of God’s Word, the compassion of Christ for the lost, and the enabling help of the Holy Spirit. Join me in worship this Sunday.
- Pastor Marlin Betts