Sharing Jesus

Our country is so divided today. We look in vain for a unifying cause or person to bring us together. Whatever happened to “In God we trust”? The only thing that can unite us is Someone greater than us, a Cause higher than us—Jesus Christ. Is anyone sharing about Jesus? – Pastor Marlin Betts

Experience Joy

Notice the faces of people in our country and what do you see? Fear. Anger. Hatred. Frustration. When are we going to see people smile again? On His way to the cross, Jesus taught His disciples about joy. I think it is time for Christians to experience and share His joy.

– Pastor


I learned a new phrase this week: “media stress.” Parents are stressed about on-line schooling, video games, and too much screen time for their children. Plus there is the constant bombardment of negative news. How are Christians going to react? Is there other alternatives than fight or flight? Jesus showed us another way.

– Pastor Marlin Betts