The Spirit of Truth

The Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of truth” by Jesus. How fortunate for Christians that this source of truth is actually living inside us. What impact does His presence have in our thoughts and actions? Let’s begin to explore this concept on Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Discernment of truth

Discerning real truth in a world of false opinions and outright lies is our greatest challenge. What if truth was not an abstract, one-out-of-many-possibilities choice? I believe that truth is simply found through a relationship with Christ. To have Jesus is to have the truth!

– Pastor Marlin Betts


Life has been turned upside down for many people for months, and the uncertainty continues. It is time to check on your commitment to Jesus Christ. Have you kept strong in Him? Will you remain committed if things get worse? Will you remain committed if things get better? Hope to see you this Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Central Truth

The central truth of the Bible is that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to die for our salvation and offer us eternal life. So how do we know that Jesus was God’s Son? Jesus offered proof of this truth when He was here. And that is our theme for this Sunday’s sermon.  See you on Sunday!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Truths about witnessing

Christians instinctively know about the importance of witnessing to sinners. Some Christians make it a priority and become missionaries or evangelists. Others witness to work associates and neighbors. What truths did Jesus teach His disciples about witnessing? Listen this Sunday and find out.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Crisis response

How do people respond to a crisis? Conversion or reversion? Some see an opportunity to build, to grow, to improve. Others see an opportunity to destroy, to harm, to regress. Jesus is for conversion. Satan is for reversion. Which do you choose?

– Pastor Marlin Betts