Online Church Service

These are unprecedented days. Bible college and seminary training did not prepare me for the leadership decisions I have been asked to make this week. But God is still alive and doing well, and my faith is strong in Jesus. Please watch the pre-recorded Sunday worship service on our website at your convenience starting Saturday evening. Let’s trade prayers.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Where Our Faith Lies

Fear of the unknown is panicking many people today. Some are hoarding toilet paper. Others are wearing masks. In times of panic, it is good for Christians to reflect on where our faith lies—not in government solutions, stocks, or stockpiles, but in our relationship with Christ.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Journey Towards Easter

Our Lenten journey continues with a quick look at the meaning of baptism. What did your baptism mean to you? What did it say to those who watched you being baptized? More importantly, how did your baptism identify you with Christ? Our journey towards Easter continues.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Journey Called Lent

The season called Lent starts with self-examination and repentance. But then it moves us to reach out to a God who loves us and died to improve us. There at the cross we realize that God’s love is greater than anything else. At the cross we surrender to God’s love. And at Easter we celebrate new life. Are you on this journey?

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Choosing to Love God

Have you ever thought of how much easier life would be if everything was predetermined and we had no choices to make? When God gave us the freedom to choose, He enabled humans with the ability to really mess things up. God took a big risk. But what He received was some people choosing to love and serve Him.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

“Familiarity breeds contempt”

“Familiarity breeds contempt.” That old saying meant that a person can become so used to a situation that he/she ignores the dangers others would watch out for. I think there is a spiritual danger of slowly slipping away from God while ignoring the serious consequences of doing so. We need to watch out for familiarity.

– Pastor Marlin Betts  

The Father Figure

The concept of a father has been changing in the last few years with many barely-involved or absentee dads. Yet there are many good men who still fill the traditional, Biblical role of a father. And this is important because they reflect the qualities of our heavenly Father—especially His care and concern for His children. Do you ever consider how God feels about you?

– Pastor Marlin Betts