
Quarterback Aaron Rodgers this week said: “I don’t know how you can believe in a God who wants to condemn most of the planet to a fiery hell.” Many people are critics of Christianity because they are misinformed. John 3:16 tells the truth: God made His choice to save mankind, and so Jesus died for our salvation. So the responsibility for your eternal destiny is really your own.

– Pastor Marlin Betts


The world record for spinning the most basketballs at the same time is 28. Do you ever feel like you have too many tasks that you need to keep going all at the same time? When that happens, there can be a temptation to neglect your relationship with God. But if that God-priority stops spinning, all of the others will be affected.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

A New Covenent

It is my understanding that when the missiles were fired at American targets in Iraq this week, there were advanced warnings so that those on the receiving end were prepared. As a result, no lives were killed. So I wonder, how are humans heeding the advance warnings of God, so that lives can be spared for eternity? Maybe we should think about that!

– Pastor Marlin Betts 

2020 is here...,

Why is it easier to point out the character flaws of others, than it is to admit to our own? As we start 2020, why not follow the advice of Jesus and extract the log from our own eyes, before pointing out the splinter in theirs? Ouch! Owning up to our flaws can be a painful experience.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Advent Week 2

Advent, the season of waiting, the time of preparation. But when we look around, we see hunger, we hear anger, we feel helpless. What is God going to do about our world? He already did it! He loved the world! He sent Jesus! He saved you!

– Pastor Marlin Betts