The First Result of Love

The Bible is very clear that life is a choice and there are only two options: God or Satan, good or evil, truth or lie, light or darkness, salvation or sin. John 3:16 makes the choice clear as well: perish or life. Every person has made a choice between the two options. But some may want to change and choose Jesus.

– Pastor Marlin Betts


I grew up hearing about “worldliness.” If I recall correctly, worldliness was mostly a warning against abandoning traditional dress codes, playing cards, and going to bowling alleys because “they serve alcohol there.” Today I am so overwhelmed by a world full of terrible sins, that those issues of yesterday seem trivial. And so I wonder, what did Jesus mean when He said: “For God so loved THE WORLD….”

- Pastor Marlin Betts

Quality Love

The Bible is very clear that the source of unconditional love is God Himself. So to really experience quality love, you have to believe in God and have a relationship with Him. Or someone with a relationship with God has to give you that kind of love from God. Interesting, isn’t it? We’ll explore these thoughts this Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Time to listen to God?

There is a Bible verse that is rarely used for sermons because it is so well known. Through the promptings of a friend, God has inspired me to preach from this verse for the next couple of months. I hope you will all come along for the journey. Wow! God wants to speak to you and me. Do we have time to listen to God?

– Pastor Marlin Betts