Kingdom Generosity

It is so easy to quote a favorite Scripture and take it out of its context. This Sunday we will look at one of those promises that is often misused and misquoted as: “God’s going to supply whatever I need.” Is that really what Paul meant? Let’s look at the rest of this passage before we make such a broad assumption.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Gospel Partnership

Most Christian churches today are united with others in a denominational structure, because together we can accomplish more for Christ. But what was happening when the first Christian churches were being established? What was the partnership Paul had with the Philippian church? Let’s find out this Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Christian Thoughts

“You are what you think” is an often used phrase with a serious meaning. The idea probably stems from Proverbs 23:7. This week we will look at what Paul wrote about what Christians should think about. Come and see if your thinking measures up to Paul’s criteria.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Lifting Up In Prayer

When picking up heavy things, we have all been told to lift with your knees (instead of your back). Getting on your knees used to be a phrase to describe prayer. With all the heavy concerns of life, maybe we should start by lifting them with prayer. That is exactly what Paul would advise. Pray about it!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Antlers in Conflict

Occasionally I have heard of two deer found dead with their antlers stuck together. Their conflict led to their deaths. What happens when there is disagreement in the church? Paul addressed a church conflict in his Philippian letter. Let’s learn from him this Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

A Different Citizenship

Christians have always had to face the issue of acceptance. To become a Christian means that you will no longer fit in the sinful world around you. So we should quit trying to belong and accept that we are different! This Sunday we will look at Paul’s take on this issue. Let’s pray about this.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Learning to Howl

“He who lives with wolves will learn to howl.” –Italian proverb. This Philippians sermon this Sunday is going to be about spiritual influence. Who is teaching you to howl? Who are you teaching to howl? Who are the wolves in your life? Pray about it.

– Pastor Marlin Betts