Lent brings us to the base of the Cross. As we think of the sacrifice of Christ, we sense our own unworthiness. After all, we're just sheep. Why would our Shepherd die for His sheep? - Pastor
Worshipping God
A good thing to evaluate during Lent is our individual worship. Are there things in our lives that hinder our love for God? Let's confess those things to God so we can truly worship. - Pastor
Forgiving Others
As we fast and pray during Lent, one of the things God brings to mind is forgiveness. I find it is easier to receive forgiveness than to give forgiveness. Let's pray about this. - Pastor
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The Darkness or Light Decision
In our divided world, the deepest division comes from a choice every person makes. Am I going to live in spiritual darkness, or will I choose to follow the Light? - Pastor
An Unending Obligation
Have you ever had a debt that seemed impossible to pay off? Paul wrote that Christians have an obligation that never ends. What do we owe other people? - Pastor
Living Under Governing Authorities
Often a country's leaders are not Christians. Yet each Christian has a obligation to encourage Christian values whenever possible. - Pastor Betts
No Church Services January 14, 2024
All services for January 14, 2024 have been cancelled.
Living Among Non-Christians
Most Christians encounter unbelievers nearly every day at work. What we say and do is very important because we are representing Christ, our church, and the Gospel. - Pastor