Paul’s Eulogy

Living in prison and facing execution, Paul wrote his own eulogy to Timothy. His life was over. And it was Timothy’s turn to make an impact on the world for Jesus. But now it is our turn. As Christians living today, it is our turn to share Jesus and engage in ministry for Christ. – Pastor

VBS Sunday

This is Vacation Bible School Sunday! Our VBS workers and children will be leading the congregation in worship and Bible lesson. This will be an energetic service filled with fun and Gospel truth. “All aboard!” for Rocky Railway. – Pastor Betts

Technical note: Due to the use of copyrighted materials from the VBS curriculum that cannot be distributed or streamed, this week’s live stream will have frequent audio and/or video interruptions when. The recording posted after the service will also be shortened and will not contain this content. To get the full VBS Sunday experience, please attend in-person.

Thank you for your understanding.

Tickle My Ears

Do your ears sometimes itch? Paul warned Timothy that some in his church had “itching ears.” These people wanted to hear teachers give “fables” instead of “sound doctrine.” But Timothy was to “preach the word,” and “fulfill (his) ministry.” So we are all accountable to God to share truth instead of just tickling ears. – Pastor

The Impact of Scripture

I read this week that man is still hiding from the presence of God like Adam in the Garden of Eden. How? By neglecting to read the Bible. Scripture brings up the matter of our relationship with God, and many people prefer to ignore that issue. This is so sad. Especially when we know that Scripture has the answer to life’s questions about God and our eternal destiny. – Pastor