After becoming a Christian, each of us is given the responsibility to correctly understand the gospel and then share it with others. This is the only way the gospel passes down to succeeding generations of Christians. So it is a pretty big deal. – Pastor
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
We live in a world that has predominately been anti-Christian since the crucifixion of Jesus. Yet in spite of persecution, suffering, and death, Christians have continued to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Are you ashamed of Jesus? – Pastor Marlin Betts
Renewing Spiritual Fervor
General Booth (Salvation Army) warned, “The tendency of a fire is to go out.” In other words Christians need to feed their spiritual passion, their relationship with God, on a regular basis. In a world filled with crisis, the Christian needs to keep his/her spiritual fervor burning. – Pastor
A Heritage of Faith
At a funeral this week we heard from the children about how their mother taught them the Bible. Her investment in their formative years brought spiritual benefits to them as adults. Think about it. Every person has a heritage. But is it a heritage of faith?
– Pastor Marlin Betts
I Know Whom
Life is full of uncertainty and upheaval. Who are we to trust? What does the future look like? When we don’t have the answers, Christians have to rely on our relationship with God. We know and trust Jesus! And that is enough.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
When Bad Things Happen
Earthquake in Haiti. Taliban in Afghanistan. Fires in California. School mask mandates in Clay County. What else can go wrong? What lessons can we learn from God’s word to help us cope with things we don’t like? See you on Sunday.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
God Will Help You
This week I received a phone call from a person in crisis. My words of comfort and prayer for God’s help seemed so inadequate at the time. But where else can we go in times of crisis? I know of no better resource than God.
– Pastor Marlin Betts
The Unsaved People We Love
Christians often get concerned about family and friends who are unsaved. But we don’t want to be pushy, and know that prayer is not enough. I believe God wants to use us to reach out to those we love. See you on Sunday!
– Pastor Marlin Betts
Called to Quit Sin
I wish there was a way to cause people to get sick of their sin. From the cross Jesus is calling people to a better way of life, but each person has to make the choice to quit sin in order to follow Jesus. Let’s pray for sinners to get sick of sin.
– Pastor Marlin Betts