Growing in the New Year

In making the transition from Christmas to the New Year, I find myself reflecting on the cost of obedience to God. We tend to focus on the blessings of Christmas and forget that Christmas disrupted every life that it touched. And I don’t want my fears to keep me from the blessings. So I want to grow in my relationship with God this new year. How about you?

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Christmas Program Sunday

This Sunday we will follow the regular schedule of breakfast, Sunday School and worship. But the morning worship will mainly be the Christmas Program with extra singing and involvement by our children and teens. Sunday night we will host the Brazil Community Choir at 6 pm. As the Christmas hymn says, “Come and worship… worship Christ the newborn King.”

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Greatest Christmas Gift

It is good to be back from vacation and share with you during the Advent Season. I’m preaching from a favorite Old Testament passage about the coming of Jesus. Christmas is about Jesus! Without a relationship with Christ, Christmas is only about Santa. We need more than gifts. We need the Gift—Jesus Christ!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Victory in Jesus

Last week we looked at Paul’s account of the humiliation of Jesus, His plunge from Heaven to His death on the cross. This week we will look at the other side, Christ’s rapid rise back to His supreme position in Heaven. The plunge and rise form both sides of the V in the story of Christ. And both sides are necessary if we are to experience spiritual Victory through Christ! Let’s celebrate our Victory this Sunday!

– Pastor Marlin Betts

The Real Meaning of the Cross

Last week I saw a football player talking to reporters and he had an cross-shaped earring in his ear. I wondered, did he actually have a relationship with Jesus or was the cross just another piece of jewelry? This week we will look at what Paul wrote about Jesus and the cross. In my preparation I was once again struck by the real meaning of the cross. I really hope you see Jesus this Sunday.

– Pastor Marlin Betts

Christians Facing Opposition

Many Muslim countries persecute Christians severely, but I was surprised to discover the top country for the persecutions of Christians for the last 16 years is North Korea. Since Jesus died on the cross, millions of Christians have been killed for their faith. Paul faced opposition all of his career as a Christian missionary. This Sunday, we are going to look at what he wrote about suffering.

– Pastor Marlin Betts