Christmas Cantata and Soup Supper on December 4th

Sunday, December 4th

5:oo pm - Brazil Community Choir

This community group will be performing a Christmas Cantata at our church. In the service, we will be collecting an offering for the Clay County Youth Food Program.  

Following the performance

Children’s Compassion Soup Supper

We (along with the members of the choir) will celebrate our efforts to help the community by sharing a light supper together. It will be a privilege to bless needy children in our community and fellowship together.



Saturday, September 20, starting at 1:00 PM, at the home of Tom and Mary Sue Jackson, featuring Rob Nance's specialty beans cooked over an open fire in his famous big black kettle!  Plates, bowls, cups, napkins and silverware will be furnished, as well as tea, lemonade and water.  All you need to bring is a dish to share and a lawn chair, if you wish.  We're hopeful that our new pastor and wife will be able to join us, so take this opportunity to get acquainted with them.  Bring along someone who might not currently attend our church but who would enjoy the fellowship.  EVERYONE is welcome!  Because of scheduling issues, there will be no rain date.  Call the Jacksons if the weather is doubtful on the 20th.  The number is 812-448-2400.


Brazil Church of the Nazarene Welcomes Pastor Betts


The Brazil Church of the Nazarene, 1002 E. National Avenue, will welcome a new pastor, Rev. Marlin Betts, and wife Debbie, with an official Installation Service on Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 AM, in the church sanctuary.  Dr. Gary Pate, superintendent of the Southwest Indiana District of the Church of the Nazarene, will conduct the service.  A celebration pitch-in dinner will follow immediately in the Family Center adjacent to the sanctuary. 

The Betts have served churches of the Nazarene for 18 years in Mississippi and Louisiana and are coming to Brazil from a three year pastorate in Tell City, Indiana.  Rev. Betts has bachelors degrees in both Religious Education and Theology and a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Bible Seminary.  He has nine years of experience with Hospice, serving as chaplain and bereavement counselor.  Debbie Betts has bachelors degrees in both Home Economics and General Studies, with a concentration in Family Consumer Science.  She received a Master of Arts in Teaching degree  from Louisiana Tech and is certified to teach PreK through third grade.  The Betts have three adult daughters and three grandchildren.

The Brazil Nazarene congregation invites everyone to attend this special day, honoring the start of the ministry of Rev. Marlin and Debbie Betts in our church and community.

Pitch-in Dinner Sept 14

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, at 10:00 AM, will be a day of major importance for our congregation.  Our District Superintendent, Dr. Gary Pate, and his wife Carolyn, will be here to conduct a beautiful installation service for Rev. and Mrs. Marlin Betts, as they officially become our pastor and wife.  Immediately following the service there will be an church pitch-in dinner to which everyone in attendance is invited.  We believe this will truly be a memorable day for our church!  REMEMBER. . . . .Sunday, September 7, will be the first preaching day for Pastor Betts. 

Jeremiah Bolich Leads Revival Services

Join us tonight through Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at the Brazil Church of the Nazarene as Jeremiah Bolich leads Revival services.

Jeremiah is an evangelist from Tennessee. He travels full time in his ministry, which he has been called to do since 1995.

More information about Jeremiah Bolich, including recorded message, can be found at his website, Better yet, join us tonight and hear him in person.