Welcome to Brazil Naz. It is our sincere hope that you feel God's presence in our services and Christ's love in our people.
Information about the church, our ministries, upcoming events, and more can be found at brazilnaz.com.
We’d also love the opportunity to get to know you better. Whether you are new to the faith or have been a Christian your whole life, we want to be by your side along your spiritual journey. Please complete a Connection Form so we can keep in touch.
For our families with children
If you have children, we have several offerings for all ages.
On Sunday mornings, volunteers are available in the nursery for children up to age 3. A room is available for nursing mothers, too. Both rooms are located next to the Sanctuary near the west entrance.
Children ages 3-5 who are potty-trained can attend Wee Worship in the northeast classroom. Wee Worship offers playtime and learning activities.
Children in school up to age 12 can attend Children's Church. Children's Church offers lessons that reinforce Biblical values and principles. Children's Church is in the room next to the Library.
Once a month, we have a Family Sunday when children stay in the sanctuary with their family.
Weekly Events
Sunday, December 29
8:30 AM: Breakfast
9:00 AM: Sunday School – all ages
10:00 AM: Worship Service
Tuesday, December 31
10:00 AM: Ladies’ Prayer Group
Wednesday, January 1
Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 2
6:00 PM: Teen Bible Study & Quizzing
6:00 PM: Ladies’ Bible Study
Friday, January 3
7:00 - 9:00 PM: Family Game Night
Saturday, January 4
9:00 AM: Men’s Prayer Group
Special Gift from Pastor and Debbie
If you did not get an ink pen from Pastor and Debbie last week, there are some available at the Welcome Center.
Christmas Card Table
Thank you for your donations to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries!!
Please stop by the table to see if you have any cards to pick up.
Church Christmas Program Thank you
A big thanks goes to all who were involved in the Christmas program. Everyone did a great job presenting the Christmas story and/or making the day special.
Family Game Night: January 3, 2025, 7:00-9:00 PM
Bring your favorite game and someone who will be eager to play as well. Let’s meet together, get to know each other a little better, and have some fun competition as well. We are not offering a meal, but you can bring a favorite snack to share with others as we play.
Church Board Meeting
The church board will be meeting on January 12 at 1pm in the pastor’s office.
This Weeks’ Message
"Making Plans"
Scripture: Proverbs 16:1, 9; 19:21
Proverbs 16:1
The preparations of the heart belong to man,
But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
Proverbs 16:9
A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 19:21
21 There are many plans in a man's heart,
Nevertheless the Lord's counsel — that will stand.
Sermon Notes:
1. People make ________ plans
2. God determines the _______________
Upcoming Church Events
January 3: Friday Family Fun Game Night
Upcoming District/Regional Events
January 25, 2025: Men’s Wild Game Supper at Brownstown Church of the Nazarene
March 22, 2025: Ladies’ Day w/ Rev. Sabrina Jones at Nashville Parkview Church of the Nazarene
Teen Quizzing
January 11: Point Township
February 8: Brazil Church of the Nazarene
March 14-15: Mackey Church of the Nazarene
Children’s Quizzing
February 1: Terre Haute First Church of the Nazarene
March 1: Brazil Church of the Nazarene
April 5: Zion Community
Prayer Chain Ministry
Prayer Chain Ministry: Text requests to Tom Jackson: 812- 239-2730 or call Margaret Hyde: 812-448-3249 (this is a landline, no texting).
How to Give
In Person
Our offering is collected in the offering boxes on each side of the foyer. Donation envelopes can be found at the welcome center.
Electronically / Online
Online giving is also available. Online giving is safe, secure, and convenient! Simply click the link below, complete the simple registration, and submit. You can give for Tithes and Offering, Building Fund, Faith Promise, Compassionate Ministries, and more!
Mailing Address
You can mail personal checks (please do not send cash) to our mailing address. You may also drop off your donation at the church office at the same address.
Brazil Church of the Nazarene
1002 E National Ave
Brazil, IN 47834
Today’s Volunteers
Nursery: Deanna Draper
Wee Worship: Lisa Walls/Ethan Pund
Children’s Church: Advent team
Next Week: January 5
Nursery: Deanna Draper
Wee Worship: Shelly & Rob Nance
Children’s Church: Family Sunday