Brazil Church of the Nazarene Welcomes Pastor Betts
The Brazil Church of the Nazarene, 1002 E. National Avenue, will welcome a new pastor, Rev. Marlin Betts, and wife Debbie, with an official Installation Service on Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 AM, in the church sanctuary. Dr. Gary Pate, superintendent of the Southwest Indiana District of the Church of the Nazarene, will conduct the service. A celebration pitch-in dinner will follow immediately in the Family Center adjacent to the sanctuary.
The Betts have served churches of the Nazarene for 18 years in Mississippi and Louisiana and are coming to Brazil from a three year pastorate in Tell City, Indiana. Rev. Betts has bachelors degrees in both Religious Education and Theology and a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Bible Seminary. He has nine years of experience with Hospice, serving as chaplain and bereavement counselor. Debbie Betts has bachelors degrees in both Home Economics and General Studies, with a concentration in Family Consumer Science. She received a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Louisiana Tech and is certified to teach PreK through third grade. The Betts have three adult daughters and three grandchildren.
The Brazil Nazarene congregation invites everyone to attend this special day, honoring the start of the ministry of Rev. Marlin and Debbie Betts in our church and community.